I received a profound gift yesterday, and it came via Zoom from three humble wise-women from a small village in Peru. My monthly Qoya teacher continuing education class was a virtual meeting with three Q’ero Nusta Pacos, or female elders, who provided this simple insight for our chaotic times—listen. The Q’ero people are direct descendants of the Inka and have lived for the last 500 years at 14,000 feet in the Andes Mountains. Many have recently relocated to the city of Cusco in order to bring their teaching and healing to a wider audience. The Q’ero people believe in the […]
Month: August 2020
Qoya: Power of play
Qoya: Power of Play • Saturday, September 5 • 10:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. • Zoom
The luxury of powerlessness
Many years ago, on a tour of the old federal penitentiary on Alcatraz Island, I got locked in solitary confinement. Well, me and about 30 other people. At that time, part of the visit included herding an entire group of tourists into a pitch-dark solitary confinement cell and bolting the door. We probably only stayed there for a couple of minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I remember holding my hand up in front of my face and not being able to see it. I also remember thinking, “What if a stranger grabs me, or worse, has a knife?” […]
The upside of vulnerability
I’ve been waking up lately to the smell of smoke. I’m sure you have too if you live in the West, as it’s wildfire season. This one has been heartbreaking. Because I live in the forest, I’m terrified of wildfire, even though, gratefully, I’ve never been through one. Still, I feel so vulnerable! Vulnerability is a place of discomfort for most of us. It’s typically viewed as weakness. The word literally means capable of being physically or emotionally wounded, or open to attack or damage. There are many things to fear about vulnerability: loss of livelihood, physical injury, illness, even death. And that […]
Qoya: Manifesting from the Heart
Qoya: Manifesting from the Heart • Saturday, August 22 • 10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. MDT • on Zoom
From head to heart
My friend got married Sunday, outdoors in front of a happy gathering of masked, socially distanced friends and family. As part of the ceremony, the couple released butterflies from a beautifully decorated box. At first the butterflies clung to the inside of the box, not willing to be set free. Then slowly, gingerly one flew out, then another and another, until all were ready to escape their temporary prison to embrace the next part of their journey. Sort of like people. There has been a common theme in my healing practice over the last several weeks: I keep seeing squashed, […]
Manifesting like a Border Collie
Meet Nalu the Border Collie, my manifestation teacher. I spent some quality time with her last week while visiting my oldest daughter and her fiancé in Montana. While everyone else was doing other things, Nalu and I went for a hike. For the entire 5-1/2 miles on the trail, she waited expectantly for me to throw her a stick, she retrieved it, she laid it down in front of me and then waited expectantly again. When we stopped, she jumped into the river and waited expectantly for me to play “the splash game” where I kick up water and she […]