Wheel of the Seasons Summer Retreat

Welcome to Wheel of the Seasons Outdoor Retreat Series! These four nature-connection, movement and creative getaways invite you to slow down to savor the cycles of nature, your own bodies and steep into the medicine of the seasons with your guides, Maria from Wild Wisdom Coaching and Jennifer from Remember Your Wings.

Like our ancestors who were in deep connection to the land, we can learn to read the signs of nature to inform our own cyclical journey through the pan-cultural lens of the Earth’s seasons and cycles. The Wheel of the Seasons is a map that offers us a way to reclaim our original wholeness and live the fullest story of ourselves so we can serve the greater community of beings.

At each outdoor retreat, you will be guided to tune into nature’s wisdom, your natural wisdom within, gain greater understanding of how each season and direction mirrors your internal journey, and sit in wise council with like-minded individuals. 

Honor and care for yourself by committing to all four seasons! 

Retreat Dates

Four Saturdays from 9:30 AM – 2 PM on: 

May 11-Spring Wisdom Retreat (Beltane-May 1)

July 27-Summer Wisdom Retreat (Lunasa-Aug 1)

November 9-Fall Wisdom Retreat (Samhain-Oct 31)

February 1 (2025)-Winter Wisdom Retreat (Imbolc-Feb 1)

Location: Beaver Brook Watershed (Floyd Hill area)

Beaver Brook Watershed lies north-west of Evergreen. This 5,700-acre ecosystem serves as an important water supply, wildlife refuge, and is one of the last remaining intact, low-elevation, forested ecosystems along the Front Range. There are no public restrooms in this beautifully undisturbed playground, so plan accordingly.

Maria from Wild Wisdom Coaching and Jennifer from Remember Your Wings will lead your experience as you: 

• Take time to truly immerse yourself in the healing sights, sounds and smells of nature.
• Experience guided walking and nature practices that will illuminate your intuition and inner sight.
• Return to the wisdom of your body through guided Qoya movement with music.
• Slow down and practice ritual to allow your body, mind and spirit to fully experience the medicine of the season.
• Make a personal take-home altar. 
• Connect and share with others on the welcoming lap of Mother Earth.

Investment: Sliding Scale $75- $150
When you pay top of scale, you are paying it forward for someone who needs to pay a lesser amount.

To register for one or multiple retreat dates, contact jennifer@rememberyourwings.com.

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Jennifer Reeve

I am  a healing guide, a space holder and a reflector of your sacred light. My aim is to help you connect with your wild, expansive Divine essence so you may freely share your gifts with the world. I offer intuitive readings, non-touch energy healings, spiritual mentoring, embodiment practices, nature connection and sacred ceremony. It would be my honor to guide you toward your expansion.

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