The Full Moon rises in Scorpio today, April 23, at 5:48 p.m. Mountain Time. The Scorpio archetype supports us in transformation–the kind that requires a death and rebirth.
Scorpio energy triggers what needs to change so expansion may occur. This may feel challenging, even emotional. Watery Scorpio energy runs deep and calls us to delve under the surface of things to get to what is real, even if that means confronting things we’d rather not see.
In selecting a card for this full moon from the Sacred Forest Oracle by Denise Linn, two cards popped out of the deck. One said “strength” and held the image of a deeply rooted tree in a dark forest with a lighted door in its center. The other, “courage,” showed a castle in sort of a fog beyond an aspen forest where sun rays shined through the golden trees. Note that both cards displayed brilliant light. Transformation can be challenging, but it also offers us opportunity and wisdom.
Perhaps you will join me in taking a moment to slow down during this full moon period to see more clearly what needs to “die” so that you may emerge more fully embodying your truth. Where are courage and strength needed? Where might you notice magic, miracles and synchronicity?
When we dedicate time to support our own transformation, we allow our light to dance with the darkness like a radiant full moon in the night sky. In this way, we are contributing to the creation of a brighter, more beautiful world.
If you would like me to pull a card for you this full moon for free, please reply to this email. For deeper insight, I am now taking appointments for May and beyond for intuitive readings, energy healing, and spiritual mentoring. I would be honored to work with you! More information at