Last weekend, I offered intuitive healings at my first-ever holistic fair in Loveland with Cleo Dunsmore Buchanan, my friend and fellow healer. It was both energizing and exhausting to hold space for so many people. Monday found me filling myself back up at the base of this beauty, my Crone tree.
She is a massive creature who has lived on my property much longer than I have, up a trail, through the brush, over a rock outcropping, and in a grove of evergreens where she holds court. A Maiden and Mother tree stand on either side of her. I don’t really know whether I found her or she found me, but I visit her often, especially when I need a reset.
I bring her gifts–she is festooned with turkey feathers, dried rose petals and a string of mirrors. Once she “asked” me to bring her an amethyst crystal, so I lodged it in an area of her trunk that can only be described as her crotch. She is called the Crone because she is old, she is wise, and she is radiant. She has accepted my tears, welcomed my hugs, stood guard over my meditations, and watched me dance. I have visited her on days when I have felt lower than low, and her ancient wisdom has reminded me that I am perfect as I am, and all will be well. She has shown me the perspective of time.
Aside from my visit to the Crone, the only other productive thing I did Monday was a couple of Zoom gatherings regarding the upcoming AWAKE Festival in Evergreen where Cleo and I will again offer intuitive healings. During one Zoom meeting, a colleague used the term “recalibrating,” and I thought, Yes! That’s what I’ve been doing with my tree!
On this day after the Autumnal Equinox–a time that teaches us about balance–I encourage you to ponder recalibration with me. Recalibrate means to make small changes to an instrument so that it measures properly. Its synonyms include words like “modify” and “adjust”. Note that it does not mean that everything is a mess and needs to be thrown out. Recalibration implies fine tuning, the kind necessary to achieve equilibrium and optional functioning.
This idea really speaks to me right now as the seasons change. Nature is in a constant state of recalibration. Deciduous trees are getting ready to release their leaves just as I am being asked to shed some of my old beliefs and patterns. As we leave the boldness of summer behind, we are invited into more stillness, more quiet time to feel into any life adjustments we need to make. This stillness is not always comfortable for me. It often feels much easier to hold space for others than it does to hold space for myself. Ah, an opportunity for recalibration!
The “re” in recalibration means to do something again, and that’s a comfort. I can find my balance over and over again. There is nothing that needs fixing, only adjusting.
Just like my time on Monday with my Crone tree. I felt worn out, but I knew I was fine. I only needed to soak up some powerful energy from Mother Nature. And this reconnected me with my gratitude for the gift of being able to serve.