Qoya: Guiltless Pleasure
Thursday, November 29
6-7:30 p.m.
Studio B Evergreen
Did you know our bodies are actually designed to thrive and repair themselves through earthly and sensual pleasure? Yet we often feel guilty or simply don’t make time to experience it. Isn’t it time to stop overextending and relax into pure, deep pleasure?
Join me Thursday, November 29, 6-7:30 p.m. at Studio B Evergreen to explore your relationship to pleasure through Qoya, a mindful movement practice designed for women.
Qoya is based on the idea that through movement we remember. We remember our essence as wise, wild and free. We also remember those things that go beyond words–when life transcends going through the motions and expands into the sacred.
Qoya also offers an opportunity to connect with a supportive circle of women. All ages and fitness levels are welcome in this class. There is no way to do it wrong!