Have you looked at the sky the last couple of nights? It’s full moon time! The full pink super moon arrives Tuesday, April 7. Of course it is not actually pink; the pink moniker refers to the time that the pink phlox—one of the first flowers of spring—begins to bloom.
Full moon time always feels like sort of a springtime or renewal for me, reminding me that I can reach toward the light for nourishment like a flower. I tend to have more vivid dreams and more intense meditations starting about 3-4 days before the moon is fully full. Through these, the moon’s brightness shines on what I need to let go of and what I need to bring into my life.
Here is what the full moon has illuminated for me during this time that feels so dark:
- This is a time to rest. I have a lifelong addiction to busyness, so when I feel uncomfortable, I get to work. It’s okay to work hard and to do my part, but I need to remember that spending time doing nothing is crucial to my own health and my ability to serve others. This screeching halt of life as I knew it was a signal to be still.
- The gifts are there, I just need to find them. When I choose to see that every experience contains abundance, I realize that I always have what I’m longing for. It may not look exactly as I think it should, but abundance is there. It is 100% in my control. Gratitude is key.
- My only real job is to shine my own, unique light. In easy times and in rough times, I need to steadily shine my light like the keeper of a lighthouse. I need to stay the course and not drift into despair. When I shine my light, it connects to all of the unique lights shining from others’ lighthouses, and that connection creates a powerful web of brightness that benefits all of us.
- Mother Earth is showing us tough love. I am being asked to listen. To see. To find the beauty that is literally everywhere and in the tiniest of things. I’m being asked to change my ways. But, just like in the lighthouse metaphor above, my job is to do what I can to make some tangible changes in my life that reflect my love for our earth. My efforts will connect to others’ to build the larger change we need.
- I can dance in the darkness. Though I may feel vulnerable and blind, if I trust the beat of the music, I can be in the flow and enjoy the dance—and it’s okay to enjoy the dance!
Perhaps my lessons spark a resonance within you. Maybe they don’t. We are all in different places during this time in our earth’s history, but of course we are always in different places, and that is as it should be.
I encourage you to take some time during this full moon time to be in stillness and see what is illuminated for you. Perhaps you meditate, pray, dance, write or just allow yourself to bask in full moon energy. Notice what comes up for you and receive it as a gift.
Above all, remember that the glorious moon shines in the night sky as a reminder to us that we are never without light.