Finding comfort in discomfort

A short time ago, I began working with the idea of being comfortable in discomfort. I’m certainly getting an opportunity to practice now!

Over the past few weeks, I have run the gamut of feelings from skeptical, shocked, angry, exhausted, overwhelmed, vulnerable, heavy-hearted, isolated and fearful. But I have also felt prayerful, peaceful, joyful and hopeful. It’s possible to have two kinds of feelings at once: comfort/discomfort.

Mostly I’m trying not to worry because I know it doesn’t make one bit of positive difference. “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength,” said Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch woman who harbored hundreds of Jews to protect them during the Holocaust. I couldn’t agree more, yet not worrying is not easy!

I’m learning that for me to be comfortable in discomfort, I must lean into gratitude and seek life lessons. I must find the present moment. I must cultivate a rich inner life as well as take care of my physical body. I must trust that all is as it should be even if it doesn’t feel that way.

And as we mark Spring Equinox this week—the day with equal amounts of darkness and light—I’m reminded that I can reside in darkness, but also focus on the light.  

This pandemic is at the very least uncomfortable for most of us. Let’s support each other in finding comfort in our discomfort and faith instead of fear.

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Jennifer Reeve

I am  a healing guide, a space holder and a reflector of your sacred light. My aim is to help you connect with your wild, expansive Divine essence so you may freely share your gifts with the world. I offer intuitive readings, non-touch energy healings, spiritual mentoring, embodiment practices, nature connection and sacred ceremony. It would be my honor to guide you toward your expansion.

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