It’s bright out there! Today’s full moon following yesterday’s Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) provides an opportune moment to pan out from the day to day to get a more illuminated view of the bigger picture.
This full moon rises in the astrological sign of Capricorn, the sea-goat. This grounded earth sign teaches us about focus, motivation and self-discipline. Capricorn energy gets things done and is the vibration that supports us in creating the routines and boundaries we need to fully live our life’s purpose.
What is your life’s purpose? You may think it needs to be something grand or world-altering, but that is not necessarily the case. It may be the job that pays your bills, but it may be something else. It could be the way you show up in the workplace–how you approach your work rather than the work itself.
I believe we are called to be the truest version of ourselves, and in living this way, we offer just what the world needs in the particular place and time in which we reside here. This means whatever we find ourselves doing, whether it is judged “important” or not, we must do it with intention. And love.
The fire energy of Summer Solstice provides support for setting this intention while the full moon shines its light on what is complete. As you steep into the energies of this full moon, contemplate how you can shed anything that may be distracting you from stepping forward in your life’s purpose. Do you need new routines or boundaries to support you in living more truly?
I will be pulling oracle cards during this time for inspiration in sorting this out for myself. If you would like me to pull a card for you, respond to this email or text me. I am also available for one-on-one intuitive readings, healings and spiritual mentoring. More info at